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Whilst we'll always attempt to provide assistance to those that are experiencing genuine financial difficulty, we may not always be able to provide this assistance, for a variety of reasons.

If you're not satisfied with the response or help provided by P&N Bank, or wish to make a complaint in relation to your request for hardship, you can utilise our internal dispute resolution (IDR) process by contacting the Member Engagement Team.
Phone: 13 25 77
Email: Member Advocate 
Mail: Attn: Member Advocate, P&N Bank, PO Box 8609, PERTH BC WA 6849.

We also subscribe to an external dispute resolution scheme (EDR) provided by the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA can be contacted as follows:
Phone: 1800 931 678 (free call)
Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001.

AFCA is an independent complaints scheme that is free to customers of financial institutions. Please note that it is important to attempt to resolve your dispute with P&N Bank prior to contacting or lodging a dispute or complaint with AFCA.