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This Statement explains how Police & Nurses Limited (P&N Bank is a division of Police & Nurses Limited) and its related bodies corporate (we, us, our) collect, use and disclose personal information and send communications about products and services.

What is personal information?

Personal information is any information or opinion (whether true or otherwise) about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable. Your personal information includes information such as your name, contact details, your interactions with us (such as transactions on your account) and your account related information. It may also include information about you that is publicly available.

Purposes for which we collect and use personal information

We collect your personal information to: assess and process a membership request, an application for any product or service that you make, (including to assess your credit worthiness where you apply for credit), comply with regulatory requirements, identify and (unless you tell us not to) tell you about products and services (including products and services of third parties) that may interest you.

The information we collect about you may also include sensitive information, where we collect it for a specific purpose, for example, in assessing whether you have a pre-existing medical condition for insurance purposes.

If you use our website we may collect information about your location or activity (including whether you have accessed third party sites) to customise your experience.

We also collect your information to identify you in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Act 2006. We are permitted to collect, but you are not required to provide, your tax file number under the Taxation Administration Act 1953 and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936. We collect information about tax residency of other countries in order to help us comply with taxation laws including the Common Reporting Standards, Foreign Account Taxation Compliance Act and non-resident withholding tax requirement, which have been incorporated into Australian taxation laws.

Your consent

By using our site, or applying for a product or service with us:

  • you consent to us collecting your personal information (including credit related information and sensitive information) for the purpose described above. Without your information we may not be able to provide you with the services or products you require.
  • unless you tell us not to, you consent to us using your personal information (including information we collect from others) to advertise or promote products, services, or business or investment opportunities we think may interest you, including by:
    • contacting you by telephone (not withstanding registration at any time of your telephone number on the Do Not Call Register) or writing to you; and
    • sending commercial electronic messages to any electronic address which you provide or for which you are responsible (and in that regard you warrant that you have authority, either as or on behalf of the electronic account holder, to provide this consent and agree that until you withdraw your consent by providing written notice to us or using an unsubscribe facility in the message, we may continue to send commercial electronic messages to those addresses).You can ask us not to contact you about products and services and not to disclose your information to others for that purpose by calling us on 13 25 77.

Exchange of personal information and transfer overseas

We may exchange personal information about you with: other persons to verify that it is correct (for example with your employers); our related bodies corporate, assignees, agents, contractors and external advisers; organisations for verifying your identity; credit reporting bodies and other credit providers; your agents, advisers, law enforcement, regulatory and government bodies; your and our insurers or prospective insurers and their underwriters, any person we consider necessary to execute your instructions, persons with whom you make a joint application for a product or service provided by us, any financial institution to or from which a payment is made in relation to any account you have or operate; financial institutions, and debt collecting agencies.

We may disclose your personal information (including credit-related information) to our systems support and administrative service providers located overseas. The countries to which this information may be disclosed may include the Philippines, the Netherlands, the United States of America and the United Kingdom.

Exchanging credit-related information with credit reporting bodies

If you apply for credit or provide a guarantee, you agree we may collect and disclose personal information about you from , and/or disclose it to, credit reporting bodies (CRBs), including by:

  • disclosing and obtaining information about your credit worthiness;
  • disclosing and obtaining information about your credit history, including about your consumer credit liability information and repayment history information;
  • disclosing any failure by you to meet your payment obligations in relation to consumer credit and the fact that you have committed fraud or other serious credit infringement; and
  • obtaining commercial credit information about you in order to asses and application by you for consumer credit.

Further, to enable us to verify your identity, we may disclose your name, date of birth and residential address to a CRB for the purpose of obtaining an assessment of whether that personal information matches information held by the CRB.

The CRBs we use include Equifax (, Experian ( and illion ( and you can find their privacy policy and contact details by visiting their website.

CRBs may include information which we provide in reports to other credit providers to assist them to assess your credit worthiness.

You can ask a CRB not to use or disclose credit information it holds about you for a period of 21 days (called a “ban period”) without your consent if you believe on reasonable grounds that have been or are likely to be a victim of fraud, including identity fraud. If you are applying to be a borrower, guarantor or security provider, you agree to us assessing your personal information (including credit-related information) held with a CRB, even if there is a ban period in place, for the purposes of assessing an application for credit or in order to collect overdue payments.

CRBs may use credit-related information they hold to respond to requests from us or other credit providers to ‘pre-screen’ you for direct marketing. You can ask a CRB not to do this. However, if your are a borrower you may still receive direct marketing from us (unless you ask us not to) that has not been “pre-screened”.

Exchange of your personal information with credit providers

If you apply for credit, your agree we may collect and disclose personal information about you from, and/or disclose it to, other credit providers for the purpose of:

  • assessing and application for credit;
  • collecting overdue payments, managing credit, helping you avoid default on credit obligations and taking action in the event of your fraud and other serious credit infringement; and
  • providing or managing transferred loans.

Access, correction and our Privacy Policy

You have rights to access and seek correction of personal information (including credit-related information) we hold about you, and our Privacy Policy contains information about how you may do this, how you may make a complaint about a breach of your privacy rights, and how we deal with such complaints. You can also contact the Member Advocate on 13 25 77 or at

See our Privacy Policy for more information.

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