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When the chilly weather of winter is replaced by the hot sunny days we’re so used to in WA, our spending and saving habits change too. Summer is a time for getting out and about, enjoying the wide variety of activities and events that roll into town, and (for most of us) making the most of some time off from work and school, so it’s not surprising we may end up spending a bit more than we usually would – and saving a lot less.

To help you to get more out of summer for less, we’ve put together some ideas for spending and saving without sacrificing any summer fun.

Get outdoors

Of course, we’re not expecting you to completely ditch the comfort of air-conditioning on a +35°C day (and you definitely need to slip, slop, slap when you do), but getting outside into the summer weather could help you spend less and save some cash. Here’s how:

- Ditch the gym

We know summer is the time of year when many people are setting their new year resolutions, and fitness can play a big part in these – but you don’t need to pay expensive gym memberships when the weather is good!

Get out for a walk, jog or run for a free work-out that can instantly lift your mood, or head to the beach or outdoor pool for a swim (and cool off too!). Many local parks have outdoor exercise equipment which you can integrate into your fitness regime, and the warmer mornings and longer evenings mean you could get your yoga fix in your backyard instead of in a studio.

If you have a bike, dig it out of the shed and cycle to where you need to be – just don’t forget your helmet! Not only will cycling help with your fitness, but if you’re using it to get to work or to see your mates, you’ll save money on parking and fuel.

- Scrap streaming

Use the change of season as an opportunity to scale back on your streaming subscriptions – at least until autumn rolls around. If you’re outdoors; spending time at the park, the beach or being with friends and family then you won’t be sitting in bed flicking between Netflix, Stan, Binge, Paramount+, Foxtel, Apple TV, Disney+, Prime… wow, there’s a lot!

Now, we’re not saying get rid of them all, but you can see how quickly the savings could add up if you streamlined your streaming services.

- Eat alfresco

Eating out is one of life’s joys, we get it. But whether you’re dining out with friends or family, the cost of having someone else cook for you can quickly eat through your budget. Instead of booking a table somewhere for your next summer catch-up, why not organise a picnic or barbeque instead? By heading outdoors, you can guarantee a good view (hello, Indian Ocean) and you won’t need to worry about other diners potentially ruining the ambiance.

Plus, if everyone brings a different dish, you’ll have a variety of food to enjoy. And, it will likely cost you far less than it would ordering half the menu at the newest restaurant in town!

Get creative

It’s not just events and going away on holiday that can make summer expensive. Christmas, Hanukkah and Lunar New Year all fall in the summer months, and your budget may need to be able to cope with extra costs associated with these holidays. Here are some ideas for getting creative with your budget:

- Embrace pre-loved

Got tickets to a music festival or a New Year’s Eve party and want a fresh look? Maybe you just need some shorts and tees to replace your winter jeans and hoodies… Whatever your reason for refreshing your wardrobe, “thrifting” could be a great way to make your budget go further – plus, you’ll be doing good for the environment and a local charity!

Summer is a great time to head into your nearest charity shop because many people will have completed a spring clean and decided to clear out some things from their wardrobes. This is often the case after Christmas too, as people try to find room for the things they’ve been gifted.

Look out for online neighbourhood ‘swap’ groups too. Many users actually list items they want to get rid of for free so there’s no swapping involved. You just need to be quick off the mark, because some things can be snapped up quickly by other people also on the hunt for treasures.

- Think outside the shop

When it comes to gifts for your friends and family, sometimes you don’t need to spend a lot. Just like with clothes, you may be able to find the perfect gift for someone at an op shop (vintage vinyl records, anyone?) but you may also be able to make it.  

If you’re good in the kitchen, you could bake and decorate cookies. If you’re crafty, you could make soaps, candles or even upcycle a piece of furniture. Whatever your hobby or talent, think about whether you can use it to spoil your loved ones – because let’s be honest, being a scrooge isn’t a good look!

Get practical

So, we’ve covered some smart spending and savvy saving ideas, but now it’s time for the practical stuff. We are a bank after all!

- Pay and save

With Pay&Save, you can round-up your purchases automatically and a few cents (or dollars) will be moved into your savings account without you even having to think about it. That means you can grow your savings even when you're spending.

If you bought a $5.50 iced coffee every day from the first day of December through to the end of March and set your Pay&Save to round up your purchases to the nearest dollar, you would save more than $60. By just drinking coffee! 

- Lock away some savings

Don’t ruin your hard work by blowing all your savings over summer. If you have at least $5,000 already saved, lock your balance away in a term deposit and let it continue to grow, safe from spare-of-the moment withdrawals. The great thing with term deposit accounts is you can choose how long to lock your money away for, which means you could keep your savings out of reach until autumn rolls round again!

- Hide your ‘do not spend’ money

If you need easy access to your savings or haven’t saved quite enough to open a term deposit, then you may find it useful having multiple savings accounts. Having one account for the funds you want to be able to access if the time comes, and one for the funds you really don’t want to touch could be right up your street.

Our SwiftSaver account is great for this kind of saving. You can open up to five of them, and then give each SwiftSaver account a nickname in internet banking or the app. That way you won’t get your ‘do not spend’ money confused with your ‘in an emergency’ money.

Remember, mymo by P&N Bank can help you budget and reach your savings goals - so you can get on and enjoy summer! 


Important information

Banking and Credit products issued by Police & Nurses Limited (P&N Bank).

Any advice does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Read the relevant terms and conditions, before downloading apps or acquiring any product, in considering and deciding whether it is right for you. The Target Market Determinations (TMDs) are available on our website or upon request.