The purchase of a new car is often one of the biggest purchases we make after buying a home, and many of us just don’t have the cash to buy the car we want outright. There are multiple options available to help finance your purchase, and it pays to know about them so you can make an educated decision.
If you want some pointers to know what to look for when searching for the best car loans available, here’s some info that you may find useful.
Personal loans
To start with, you could look at a traditional car loan. You’ll find these offered through most banks and lenders, and you can apply for loans to finance the purchase of new and used cars, motorbikes and other vehicle types.
It can also be worth considering the costs of getting your car on the road when deciding on your loan amount, so that you don’t fall short. If the loan is funded, you will have to maintain a minimum fortnightly or monthly repayment over an agreed period, so you need to ensure you’ll be able to afford it.
Often the interest rates will be lower if the loan is secured against the vehicle, so your eligibility for a better rate could also depend on the age and condition of the car. If you’re not eligible for a secured loan, an unsecured personal loan could still be an option available to you.
These typically attract a higher interest rate, and you will need to have a solid credit history. However, it could be worthwhile having a discussion with a personal lender to find out what will work best for you.
Other lending options
You could also consider a hire purchase agreement. In this case, the dealer or other entity that provides the finance would buy the car and then hire it out to you. Monthly payments will be agreed to for a set period, and once you have paid them off, ownership of the vehicle will be transferred into your name. Sometimes you can negotiate lower monthly payments and a lump sum or ‘balloon payment’ at the end of the term. Generally, no GST is payable with this type of arrangement.
If you’re planning to use the vehicle for business purposes, then you may be able to get a car finance lease. This carries fixed, monthly repayments which could be tax deductible depending on your circumstances, but in this case, you’ll have to pay GST. The finance is secured against the car which helps to keep the interest rates lower and at the end of the lease, you can return, refinance or buy the car outright for the agreed, residual amount.
Some lenders will cover 100% of the cost of a new vehicle when you take out a commercial loan. However, this may only apply to brand new vehicles, and you may not be able to consider cars or trucks that are older than five years.
Before you begin to look for a car and talk with potential lenders, you will need to understand your budget. You may have money available so you can make a lump sum payment towards your purchase, but you will also need to factor in making the regular fortnightly or monthly loan repayments. If you can make extra or lump sum repayments during your loan term this can help reduce the amount of interest you will pay, and you could pay the loan off sooner.
Try to make sure that you can comfortably meet your regular repayments so that you don’t find yourself too stressed if your circumstances change or if an unexpected bill pops up. It’s essential for you to keep on top of your repayments from a credit rating perspective and, of course, so that you can keep your car.
Other questions you may have
Can car loans be included in debt consolidation loans?
Managing multiple debts can be difficult to manage and some borrowers will find that debt consolidation will help them to manage it more effectively. You may be able to include a car loan in a debt consolidation arrangement, but you should remember that this will possibly be an unsecured loan.
Do car loans have interest charged monthly?
Typically interest will be charged monthly on a car loan, but this isn’t always the case. It can all depend on the company that you arrange finance through, and you may be able to negotiate different terms with them. For loans from major banks and lenders your interest charges will be outlined in your contract.
Can I get a car loan with bad credit?
You may be able to qualify for a car loan even if you have bad credit as there are some financial products on the market that cater for this situation. These are more likely to be associated with a used car purchase, and there is a possibility that the interest rate will be higher. Ultimately, it is up to the lender to assess your financial position prior to making a final decision.
Are motorbike loans the same as car loans?
While you may be able to get a loan to help you purchase a motorbike instead of a car, they are not generally considered to be one and the same. Lenders may apply different criteria to a motorcycle loan versus a car loan, and unless you get formal consent from your lender, you’ll likely not be able to use money intended for a car loan to buy a motorcycle.
Can I make extra payments on a car loan?
Whether or not you’re able to make additional payments to your car loan depends on the rules applied by your finance provider. If you can, it could lessen the amount of interest paid over the lifetime of the loan. Make sure you look at the small print first or ask your lender if this is possible in your case, should it be something you’re interested in.
What documentation may be required when applying for finance?
Requirements will vary, but you will generally need to provide three months of bank statements, two current pay slips, a utility bill in your name, a method of identification and information about other existing liabilities. There may be some additional documents required, however your chosen lender will be able to provide more information.
In a nutshell... There are multiple options available to help you purchase your dream car, or the next best thing. Make sure you’re realistic with your expectations and do your homework before you apply to make sure you’re taking up the finance option that best suits your needs and circumstances.
Important information
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